I've always wondered what this "bikini body" is that everyone speaks of come summer months. The focus on getting, and staying, thin and super fit before stepping into a bikini not only seems like an ill way to spend your summer, but also a task that seems nearly impossible. For me, and I believe majority of other people out there, my summer goes a little like this: the gorgeous weather encourages more frequent drinking than usual, there are BBQs galore with all the chips, dips, and sides you can dream of, ice cream becomes a no brainer after dinner, and a ton of traveling to enjoy these glorious weekends with friends leads to minimal at home cooking.Continue ReadingBecause of these wonderful food filled weekends with friends and family, I also have the pleasure of arriving home to a completely empty fridge and faced with the weekly dilemma: do I buy groceries for the few meals I will be eating at home this week and barely have time to prep? Most of the time, it is a no, which leads me to purchasing majority of my week's meals. Sound familiar?Well, guess what, summer is officially over (I know, I'm sad too), so I'm here to help get you back in the kitchen. In this September Meal Prep Book you will find a master pantry list to stock and use for the entire month and four weeks of meal plans (to last you Monday-Thursday) with corresponding organized grocery lists and recipes. That is a total of 24 recipes and the ability to enter a grocery store with a detailed list of everything you already need. It doesn't get much easier than this! The best part about it all? Sure, it is meant to encourage us to get back to the act of cooking now that we're back in our routine, but it is not solely specific to September. Any week, or month, you need some guidance and assistance, you'll have this tool to reference.To purchase Freckled Foodie's September Meal Prep Book, please click HERE   


Pesto Pasta with Spicy Tunafish Salad


My Thoughts on, and Relationship with, Booze